Cookie management


When consulting the Site, Cookies are placed on the User's terminal.

Via this Cookies policy, the User can find out about the nature of the Cookies placed and their operation.

Article 1: Definitions

- Site: set of web pages and resources linked by hyperlinks, defined and accessible by a web address.

- User: refers to any person who accesses and browses the Site either as a simple Internet user or as a Customer.

- Cookie: designates a text file placed on the hard drive of the User's terminal during their visit to a Website.

Consequently, a Cookie is a series of information that can be transmitted to a browser by a Website to which the User connects.

The web browser keeps it for a certain period of time, and sends it back to the web server each time the User connects.

Cookies have multiple uses: they can be used to store a customer identifier on a merchant site, the content of a shopping cart, an identifier allowing navigation to be traced for statistical or advertising purposes.

The law states that Cookies can only be stored on the User's device if they are strictly necessary for the operation of the Site. For all other types of Cookies, it is necessary to obtain consent.

This Site uses different types of Cookies. Some Cookies are placed by third-party services that appear on the pages. At any time, the User can modify or withdraw their consent from the Cookie Declaration on the Website.


Article 2: the different types of Cookies


  • Browsing Cookies:

These are Cookies necessary for the operation of the Site.

They allow you to use the main functionalities of the Site (for example use of the shopping cart or access to the account).

These are Cookies placed by the owner of the Site which only concern the operation of the Site and which do not require the prior information and consent of the User to be placed on their terminal.

  • Analytical Cookies:

These are Cookies which make it possible to know the use, the volumes of attendance and use as well as the performance of the Site.

These Cookies allow the owner of the Site to improve the interest, ergonomics and operation of the services offered on the Site.

  • Functional Cookies:

These are Cookies which make it possible to identify information on the Site which could be of interest to the User in order to personalize their experience on the Site. They also allow the User to benefit from personalized advice and promotional offers depending on the browsing origin (for example if the User comes from partner Sites).

They can also be used to provide functionalities requested by the User. In order to personalize the User's purchasing experience, the owner of the Site may associate browsing data processed by Cookies with customer database data relating to the User's account or purchases on the Site.

A geolocation Cookie may be placed on the Site, in order to locate the User to enable them to benefit from certain functionalities such as the recommendation of store addresses, the display of products available in the nearest stores or even the making appointments.

Geolocation Cookies are kept for a period limited to the needs of the service.

  • Advertising cookies

These are Cookies used to present advertisements to the User or send information tailored to the User's interests on the Site or outside the Site when browsing the Internet.

They are used in particular to limit the number of times the User sees an advertisement and to help measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.

They allow, during the validity period of these Cookies, to: broadcast advertising in all locations reserved for third-party advertising, count the number of displays of advertising content broadcast, identify the advertisements thus displayed and the number of Users having clicked on each advertisement, to calculate the amounts due as a result and to establish statistics, recognize the User's terminal during subsequent navigation on any other Site or service on which these advertisers or third parties transmit also Cookies and, where applicable, to adapt these third-party Sites and services or the advertisements they broadcast, to the navigation of your terminal of which they may be aware.

Article 3: Cookies used on the Site


When the User connects to the Site, a banner is displayed.

Subject to the choices made, Cookies will be stored in the memory of the terminal used (computer, tablet, telephone). The information thus collected may be used by the Site consulted or by a third party, such as an advertising agency, or any other partner.

The validity period of the Cookie is a maximum of 13 (thirteen) months from the day the User gave consent to the integration of said Cookie.


Cookie Strictly necessary


Cookie Name





When displaying a mobile Site (former mobile under, the server will be forced to display the non-mobile version and will avoid redirection to the Mobile Site.

Functionality Cookie

Cookie Name




Permanent (Two years)

Identify unique visitors who quickly leave the site.

Third party cookie

Cookie Name






Article 4: opposition or deletion of Cookies

On computers, Smartphones and other Internet access terminals, by default the browser software accepts Cookies present on the Websites.

However, the User can manage the installation of Cookies by configuring the browser software used in particular to:

  • systematically refuse all Cookies
  • request that consent is required for each Cookie encountered while browsing the internet.

To do this, simply refer to the configuration policies of each navigation software and follow their instructions.

For information, on the day of the development of this Cookie management policy, for the main navigation software:

  • With Internet Explorer: Tools menu - Internet Options - Confidentiality tab - choose the desired level
  • With Firefox: Tools menu - Options - Privacy tab - choose the desired options
  • With Chrome: configuration menu (logo settings) - Settings - Advanced settings - Content settings - Choose the desired options


It is also possible to control the placement of Cookies on smartphones within the rules of the operating system.

b) Article 5: shelf life

Cookies stored on the User's terminal or any other element used to identify them for audience or advertising statistics purposes will have a lifespan limited to 13 months maximum.

c) Article 6: User rights

In addition to the right to revoke at any time the consent given to this or that Cookie being placed on the terminal, the User has a right of access, rectification, deletion or portability of data.

The User may object to the processing of their data (or request its limitation).

These rights can be exercised by any written means to:


The User must prove their identity when making their request.

Article 7: additional information

For all additional and legal information, the User can go to the CNIL Website: