An All-Time edition for the King's historic record

February 22, 2023 3 min read

Une édition All-Time pour le record historique du King

The 38,388 points reached: A moment of history forever in our hearts

The handover was carried out and it was a moment filled with emotions. A look back at this historic record and this All-Time Leading Scorer collection dedicated to the King.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar held this scoring record for almost 39 years, and he was considered unbeatable but also one of the most coveted in league history. The Chosen One was certainly the first player to reach the mark of 1000, 5000, 10,000, 20,000 and 30,000 points, but this record remained unattainable for many. Until that famous night, dressed in his black suit and his undeniable flow, LBJ arrived on the floor with his helmet engraved in gold with the number 38,388, synonymous with the All-Time record. We know the rest, 3 quarters later, a fadaway made history and the handover was underway. An unforgettable moment for basketball fans. 

The fact that the King was able to surpass this record is a true achievement, which shows just how exceptional a player he is. It says a lot about the hard work he had to put in to remain a dominant player at 38, an example of longevity and consistency.
The idol of many fans, LBJ inspires a whole new generation of basketball players, motivated by the success of the King and the example that he is, whether on or off the court. 

There is no doubt that this record will help reinforce the legend that the King has become, now associated as the record holder for the number of points scored in a career, the most iconic personal best in the league.

Words Matter design: To retrace the King's record-breaking career

What is the Words Matter History edition design?

Powerful nicknames : King / Chosen One / LBJ / GOAT

Collective and individual titles : Champ x 4 / MVP / ROY / All Star / Gold Medal

Iconic dates : 38,388 / Draft 2003 / 1984 / 23 & 6 / 1st Pick / 1-3

Strong words : Comeback / Legend / Equality / Witnesses / Discipline / Legacy / Strength 

Historic Places : Akron / LA / Ohio / CLE

The King and All-Time records

We have recently realized that the King is a record machine. But besides the historic milestone of 38,388 points, where does the king really stand in the main All-Time statistical categories? We tell you just below:

Assists : With 10,375 assists , LeBron became top 4 All-Time this season, surpassing Magic Johnson and Steve Nash in particular. The top 3 seems unattainable in the presence of John Stockton (15,806), Jason Kidd (12,091) and Chris Paul still on the floor (11,330). However, we can specify that the King is the only Forward in the top 30!

Rebounds : 10,740 rebounds , and yes The Chosen One may be outside the top 10 in a major stats category... He is currently in 32nd position in this ranking and 10th place seems impossible to reach in the person of Dwight Howard and these 14,627 rebounds!

Interceptions : With these 2,193 stolen balls , the King is also among the best interceptors in history! Placed in 9th place in this ranking, he could snatch 6th place by overtaking Maurice Cheeks and these 2,310 interceptions. Note that John Stockton largely dominates this statistical category (3,265) as well as that of assists (15,806).

Blocks : Author of 1066 career blocks (and yes the legendary block on Iguodala in the finals only counts as one), LBJ is just in the top 100 of the best blockers in the league and must produce more than double these current blocks to hope to reach the top 10... Let's not even talk about Hakeem Olajuwon's 3,830 blocks!

Ball losses : With these 4,982 , he will be the first player to reach 5,000 lost balls in his career! Clearly, the King's historic performances no longer stop!

We could continue to talk about these numerous records for a long time but we have instead chosen to focus on the next collections, which we hope you will like as much as this All-Time Leading Scorer capsule!

Photos that exude emotion...

The historic handover between these 2 sporting legends!

The 3 best All-Time scorers combined for a total of 113,726 points!